Read the collection of relevant literature related to Nordic Corporate Governance (model) down below.
Research area/input: “Nordic Corporate Governance Model”
- Elson, C., Berglund, T., Rapp, M. S., Bessler, W., & Chew, D. (2017). FMA Roundtable on New Developments in European Corporate Governance. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 74(4), 16–26.
- Mitchell, J., Sigurjonsson, T. O., Kavadis, N. & Wendt, S. (2024). Green bonds and sustainable business models in Nordic energy companies. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability. 7, 15 p., 100240.
- Oxelheim, L., Gregoric, A., Randøy, T., & Thomsen, S. (2010). Internationalilzation of the Firm and its Board. Lund Institute of Economic Research. Working Paper / Lund Institute of Economic Research No. 2009-6
- Piekkari, R., Oxelheim, L., & Randøy, T. (2015). The Silent Board: How Language Diversity May Influence the Work Processes of Corporate Boards. Corporate governance: An International Review, 23(1), 25-41.
- Ringe, G. (2016). German versus Nordic Board Models: Form, Function, and Convergence. Nordic Journal of Business, 65(1), 27-40.
- Sequeira, C. B. (2023). Port Business Development: Digitalisation of Port Authority and Hybrid Governance Model. Copenhagen Business School [Phd]. PhD Series No. 01.2023
- Strand, T., & Arranz-Aperte, L. (2020). Aktieägare och valberedningar. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 22(2 & 3), 45-59.
- Thomsen, S. (2016). The Nordic Corporate Governance Model. Management and Organization Review, 12(1), 189-204.
- Thomsen, S. (2016). Nordic Corporate Governance Revisited. Nordic Journal of Business, 65(1), 4-12.
- Thomsen, S. (2014). Nordic Corporate Governance and Industrial Foundations. Center for Corporate Governance. Copenhagen Business School.
Research area/input: “Nordic Corporate Governance”
- Arranz-Aperte, L., & Strand, T. (2023). The Nordic Nomination Committee and Board Tenure: An Empirical Investigation. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, 52(1), 66-92.
- Arna Arnardóttir, A., Sigurjonsson, O., & Terjesen, S. (2017). Boards and the Selection Procedures Post Gender Quotas. Paper presented at The 9th Nordic Corporate Governance Network Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Birkmose, H. S., & Strand, T. (2012). Institutional Investors: The Way to Active Ownership . SSRN: Social Science Research Network. Nordic and European Company Law Working Paper No. 10-30
- Buhmann, K., Østergaard, K., Feldthusen, R. K., Anker, H. T., Hansen, F. A., & Sørensen, K. E. (2013). Mapping of Danish Law Related to Companies’ Impact on Environment and Climate Change. SSRN: Social Science Research Network. Nordic and European Company Law Working Paper No. 10-36LSN Research Paper Series Vol. 4 No. 2
- Buhmann, K. (2013). Plentiful forest, happy people? The EU’s FLEGT approach and its impact on human rights and private forestry sustainability schemes. Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift/Nordic Environmental Law Journal, 4(2), 52-82.
- Elson, C., Berglund, T., Rapp, M. S., Bessler, W., & Chew, D. (2017). FMA Roundtable on New Developments in European Corporate Governance. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 74(4), 16–26.
- Faigen, B., Arnardottir, A. A., Sigurjonsson, O., & Mygind, N. (2015). Employee Ownership in an Icelandic Context: An Initial Empirical Exploration. Paper presented at 7th Annual Workshop of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network, Frederiksberg, Denmark.
- Freeman, R. E., Wainwright, L., Dmytriyev, S., & Strand, R. (2023). Stakeholder Approaches to Corporate Sustainability. In A. Rasche, M. Morsing, J. Moon, & A. Kourula (Eds.), Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World (2 ed., pp. 75-95). Cambridge University Press.
- Gregoric, A., Oxelheim, L., Randøy, T., & Thomsen, S. (2009). Corporate Governance as a Source of Competitiveness for Nordic Firms. Nordic Innovation Centre.
- Henriksen, L. F., Begtrup-Bright, E., Ellersgaard, C. H., Grau Larsen, A., & Lunding, J. A. (2018). A Country for Old Men: The Inner Circle in Danish Corporate Networks 1987-2016. In Book of Abstracts: Nordic Sociological Conference 2018 (pp. 38). Aalborg Universitet.—07.08.18.pdf
- Hobdari, B., & Wernicke, G. (2013). Environmental, Social and Governance Performance, and Corporate Governance. In R. Strand (Ed.), Proceedings for the Sustainability in a Scandinavian Context Conference: 10-11 June 2013 Copenhagen Business School (pp. 146-148). Nordic Centre for Sustainability.
- Horváthová, A. (2017). Nordic Implementation of EU Financial Rules, Position of the Employees. Report. Copenhagen Business School.
- Hulgård, N., Thomsen, S., & Kuhn, J. M. (2019). Foundation Ownership and Firm Performance: Difference-in-Differences Estimation. 42. Paper presented at 11th Nordic Corporate Governance Network Conference, Oslo, Norway.
- Jonsdottir, G. E., Mitchell, J., Sigurjonsson, O., & Alavi, A. R. (2023). Responsible Ownership Fostering Green Tech Innovation. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 55, Article 102923.
- Jonsdottir, G. E., Arnardottir, A. A., Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Poulsen, T. (2023). The Influence of an Ownership Strategy on Board Dynamics. Journal of Management & Governance.
- Krüger Andersen, P., Arvidsson, N., Bartkus, G., Bergþórsson, A. F., Bité, V., Friis Hansen, S., Hansen, J. L., Johansson, S., Kinander, M., Knuts, M., Lidman, E., Lilja, T. M., Milaiuskas, P., Sillanpaa, M. J., Sjöberg, G., Stattin, D., Strand, T., Söderström, R., Thomsen, S., … Nordic and Baltic Company Law Scholars (2022). Response to the Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. SSRN: Social Science Research Network. Nordic and European Company Law Working Paper No. 22-01
- Krüger Andersen, P., Bergþórsson, A. F., Bråthen, T., Friis Hansen, S., Hansen, J. L., Johansson, S., Kinander, M., Knuts, M., Lidman, E., Lilja, T. M., Rasmussen, N. S., Rose, C., Samuelsson, P., Sillanpaa, M. J., Sjöberg, G., Skog, R., Stattin, D., Strand, T., Vahtera, V., … Werlauff, E. (2020). Response to the Study on Directors’ Duties and Sustainable Corporate Governance by Nordic Company Law Scholars. SSRN: Social Science Research Network. Nordic and European Company Law Working Paper No. 20-12LSN Research Paper Series No. 20-12
- Magnúsdóttir, H., Sigurjonsson, O., Arnardottir, A. A., & Gabaldon, P. (2023). Do Nomination Committees Encourage Corporate Board Diversity? In S. Tasheva, & M. Huse (Eds.), Research Handbook on Diversity and Corporate Governance (pp. 96-111). Edward Elgar. Publishing.
- Morsing, M., & Strand, R. (2014). CSR and Beyond: A Nordic Perspective. Corporate Communications, 19(3), 318-322.
- Oxelheim, L., Gregoric, A., Randøy, T., & Thomsen, S. (2013). On the Internationalization of Corporate Boards: The Case of Nordic Firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 44(3), 173-194.
- Oxelheim, L., Randøy, T., & Stonehill, A. (2012). What can International Finance Add to International Strategy? In A. Verbeke, & H. Merchant (Eds.), Handbook of Research on International Strategic Management (pp. 238-253). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Oxelheim, L., Gregoric, A., Randøy, T., & Thomsen, S. (2010). Internationalilzation of the Firm and its Board. Lund Institute of Economic Research. Working Paper / Lund Institute of Economic Research No. 2009-6
- Petersen, J. S., Nielsen, L. H., Hansen, S. S., Uttam, K., & Jespersen, K. (2023, Aug 2). Beyond Stock Prices: ESG Scores in the European Healthcare Sector. Copenhagen Business School, CBS.
- Piekkari, R., Oxelheim, L., & Randøy, T. (2015). The Silent Board: How Language Diversity May Influence the Work Processes of Corporate Boards. Corporate governance: An International Review, 23(1), 25-41.
- Poulsen, R. T., Hermann, R. R., & Smink, C. K. (2017). Do Ecolabels Lead to Better Environmental Outcomes in the International Shipping Industry?. Paper presented at The 24th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Bodø, Norway.
- Randøy, T. (2023). How to Improve Corporate Governance and Board Engagement in a High-growth, Gig-economy SME: Teaching note. The Nordic Case House.
- Randøy, T. (2023). Techfriend: How to Improve Corporate Governance and Board Engagement in a High-growth, Gig-economy SME. The Nordic Case House.
- Rose, C., Munch-Madsen, P., & Funch, M. (2013). Does Board Diversity Really Matter? Gender Does Not, but Citizenship Does. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 8(1), 15-27.
- Sigurjonsson, T. O., Haraldsson, R. H., & Mitchell, J. (2023). Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in Iceland: Studies on Contemporary Governance and Ethical Dilemmas. Emerald Group Publishing.
- Sigurjonsson, O. (2020). Samanburður á stjórnarháttum norrænna stjórna. In G. Dalmann, R. S. Steinthorsson, & T. Gudlaugsson (Eds.), Rannsóknir í viðskiptafræði I University of Iceland Press.
- Sigurjonsson, O., & Arnardottir, A. A. (2016). Board Directors’ Selection Process Following a Gender Quota. Paper presented at The 8th Annual Workshop of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network , Helsinki, Finland.
- Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Mixa, M. W. (2011). Learning from the ‘Worst Behaved’: Iceland’s Financial Crisis and the Nordic Comparison. Thunderbird International Business Review, 53(2), 209-223.
- Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2011). The Effect of Defensive Social Networks on Policy Discourse. Paper presented at The 3rd Workshop of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network 2011, Espoo/Helsinki, Finland.
- Sjöstrand, S-E., Berglund, T., Grönberg, L., Kallifatides, M., Poulfelt, F., Pöyry, S., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2016). Nordic Corporate Governance: An Extensive In-Depth Study of Corporate Governance and Board Practices in 36 Large Companies. Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research.
- Strand, T., & Arranz-Aperte, L. (2020). Aktieägare och valberedningar. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 22(2 & 3), 45-59.
- Strand, R., & Edward Freeman, R. (2013). . Scandinavian Cooperative Advantage: The Theory and Practice of Stakeholder Engagement in Scandinavia(opens in a new tab). Journal of Business Ethics.
- Strand, R., & O’Rourke, D. (2017). Patagonia: Driving Sustainable Innovation by Embracing Tensions(opens in a new tab). California Management Review.
- Strand, R. (2017). Strategic Management in the Era of Cooperation: Toward a Theory of Scandinavian Cooperative Advantage. Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, CBS. CSR and Business in Society: CBS Working Paper Series No. 1 – 2017
- Strand, R., Freeman, R. E., & Hockerts, K. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Scandinavia: An Overview. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(1), 1-15.
- Strand, R. (2015). CSR and Leadership. In E. R. Gjerdrum Pedersen (Ed.), Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 39-71). SAGE Publications.
- Tamm, D. (2024). Da Kongen og justitsministeren udeblev fra nordisk møde i København, brød de en 150 år gammel tradition. Berlingske. Ditlev Tamm: Da Kongen og justitsministeren udeblev fra nordisk møde i København, brød de en 150 år gammel tradition (
- Thomsen, S., Rose, C., & Kronborg, D. (2016). Employee Representation and Board Size in the Nordic Countries. European Journal of Law and Economics, 42(3), 471-490.
- Thomsen, S. (2016). Nordic Corporate Governance Revisited. Nordic Journal of Business, 65(1), 4-12.
- Thomsen, S. (2014). Nordic Corporate Governance and Industrial Foundations. Center for Corporate Governance. Copenhagen Business School.