NFGS II: Project Report
8 Research Areas
1. Can sustainable finance be a part of solving some of the most fundamental challenges of our time, and if yes, how?
2. Can focus on stable and long-term ownership in the financial sector provide a better risk return profile in the future?
3. Does financial advice provide any real benefits for normal retail clients in an advanced economy?
4. Can good digital solution based on IE and blockchain provide completely new AML1 systems which could mitigate such risk significantly? And what regulatory changes would be required to support such a development?
5. How should financial regulation and compliance regulation be designed in the Nordics and EU in order to secure financial stability and have efficient processes?
6. How do financial institutions fare in the aftermath of the global financial crisis and this new disruptive financial environment?
7. What are the potential implications of CBDC2 on banks’ monetary policy, on financial stability on the balance sheet of central banks, commercial banks, and the non-banking private sector actors? Why are there no central banks who are frontrunners in this process?
8. Do Nordic citizen firms have equal access to financing?

Pictures from the launch of the report