NFGS II: The 8 Research Areas

Sustainable Finance
Kai Hockerts (CBS)
Anne-Karen Hueske (CBS)
Anna Linda Adorisio (CBS)
Stella Whittaker (CBS)
Alexandra Andhov (KU)
Hossein Asgharian (Lund)
Lu Liu (Lund)
Ignacio Requejo
Quantative research and cases
Scope and Output:
Three publications
Research Questions:
Can sustainable finance be a part of solving some of the most fundamental challenges of our time, if yes, how?
How fast are Nordic financial institutions in integrating ESG/SDG and do they have any material economic impact either positively or negatively?
What financial products should be a focus area if the Nordic financial institutions should achieve a competitive advantage over the next 5 years?
Philipp Krueger, Zacharias Sautner, Laura T. Starks: The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors

Long-Term Ownership in the Financial Sector and the Nordic Model
Caren Yinxig Nielsen (CBS
Gudrun Johnson (CBSTools/Remarks:
Quantitative research
Scope and Output:
Two publications
Research Questions:
Can focus on stable and long-term ownership in the financial sector provide a better risk return profile in the future?
Could the foundation of a long-term ownership model be a way to present and build sustainable business models in the financial sector, thereby providing the base for a different regulatory regime?

The Value of Financial Advice
Marc Steffen RappOscar Stolper
Johanna Jost
Quantitative research
Scope and Output:
Two publications
Research Questions:
Does financial advice provide any real benefits for normal retail clients in an advanced economy?
How can one ensure that retail customers with limited financial knowledge gain access to the equity premium in a balanced, fair and well-informed way?

Risk & Anti-Money Laundering
Tom Kirchmaier (CBS)Kalle Johannes Rose (CBS
Hans Fogtdal (HF Law)
Alexandra Andhov (KU)
Quantitative research
Scope and Output:
Two publications
Research Questions:
Empirical detection mechanisms for suspicious monetary transactions, and problematic actors.
The legal dimension of the ‘statistifcation’ of detection.
The transposition of the European directive into Danish law.
A structural analysis of the systemic breaking points in legislation and process.

Compliance & Regulation
Georg Ringe (hamburg)Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose (AU)
Marc Rapp (Marburg)
Alexandra Andhov (KU)
Legal review and analysis
Scope and Output:
Three publications
Research Questions:
How should financial regulation and compliance regulation be designed in the Nordics and EU in order to secure financial stability and have efficient processes?
Do current regulations prevent long-term investments, and if yes, how should it be changed?

Competitiveness & Business Models
Arturo Bris (IMD)
Lars Ohnemus (CBS)
Marc Steffen Rapp (Marburg)
Björn Preuss (CBS)
Quantitative research and development of cases
Scope and Output:
Two publications
Research Questions:
How do Nordic financial institutions fare in the aftermath of the financial crisis and in this new, disruptive financial environment?
What is the interest sensitivity of banks performing in a low interest environment?
What are the growth and export possibilities of current Nordic financial players?
Bernd Hayo, Kai Henseler & Marc Steffen Rapp: Estimating the monetary policy interest-rate-to-performance sensivity of the European banking sector at the zero lower boun
Marc Steffen Rapp & Marco Sperling: Der Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex als standardisierte Form der Corporate Governance Bereichterstattung in der Finanzkommunikation
Bernd Hayo, Kai Henseler, Marc Steffen Rapp & Johannes Zahner: Complexity of ECB Communication and Financial Market TradingWolfgang Bessler, Johannes Beyenbach, Marc Steffen Rapp & Marco Vendrasco: Securities Market Reforms and Market Segments for IPOs: An Analysis of Listing and Delisting Decisions in Germany
Wolfgang Bessler, Johannes Beyenbach, Marc Steffen Rapp & Marco Vendrasco: The Global Financial Crisis and Stock Market Migrations: An Analysis of Family and Non-Family Firms in Germany

Monetary Policies, Technology, and Crypto-Currencies
Jan Damsgård (CBS)
Jonas Hedman (CBS)
Lars Christensen (External)
Quantitative research and development of cases
Scope and Output:
Two publications
Research Questions:
What are the potential implications of a CBDC on central banks’ monetary policy, on financial stability, and on the balance sheets of central banks, commercial banks and the non-banking private sector actors?
Why are Nordic central banks not frontrunners in this process?
Juan Camilo Giraldo-Mora, Jonas Hedman & Michel Avital: The Evolution of Global Instant Payment Infrastructure.
Lars Christensen and Hylton Hollander: Montetary Regimes, Money Supply, and the USA Business Cycle since 1959: Implications for Monetary Policy Today.

Equal Access to Financing – A Local Perspective on Finance, Employment, and Sustainability
Thomas Poulsen (CBS)
Niels Westergård-Nielsen (CBS)
Quantitative research
Scope and Output:
Two publications
Research Questions:
What is the economic impact for firms of bank or branch closures?
Do Danish (Nordic) citizens and firms have equal access to finance?
Which challenges does the online finance market imply?
How should online alternative finance market lending be put in the context of the existing financial markets and legislation and could it provide more equal access to finance?