NFGS II: Event Presentations HomeNFGS IObjectivesThe 10 Research AreasSponsors and PartnersBlogsStaffResearch Papers NFGS INFGS I: Project ReportNFGS IIObjectives The 8 Research AreasSponsors and PartnersStaffResearch Papers NFGS IINFGS II: Project ReportNFGS IIIObjectivesThe 6 Research AreasResearch Papers NFGS IIISponsors and Partners StaffNFGS Advisory Board MembersEventsEventsEvent PresentationsPublications and mediaResearch Papers NFGS IResearch Papers NFGS IIResearch Papers NFGS IIIPodcastsBlog-postsMediaMedia nfgs IIMedia nfgs IIIGalleryContact You can watch presentations from our previous events here: 2022: A Global Leader in Competitiveness Hosted by The Center for Corporate Governance with keynote speaker Professor Arturo Bris.(October 4 2022) The Intertwined crises of Capitalism and Democracy A seminar with Stanford professor of finance and economics, Anat Admati.(September 30 2022) 2021: Aktionærdemokrati Præsentation af Direktør i Dansk Aktionærforening, Mikael Bak, om dansk aktionærdemokrati og præsentation af konferencen fra konference om Aktionærdemokrati(November 15 2021) Aktionærdemokrati og EU’s forslag om nye spilleregler Præsentation af CCG Associate Professor Therese Strand om EU og bæredygtig Corporate Governance fra konference om Aktionærdemokrati(November 15 2021) Giver god Corporate Governance højere aktieafkast? Præsentation af CCG Professor Trond Randøy om corporate governance og aktieafkast fra konference om Aktionærdemokrati(November 15 2021) Aktivt ejerskab og aktionærdemokrati Præsentation af CCG Associate Professor Caspar Rose om konsekvenser af aktionærrettighedsdirektivet med focus på ledelsens vederlag fra konference om Aktionærdemokrati(November 15 2021) Cloud Crypto Land: Why blockchain technology won’t revolutionise our financial system By Edmund Schuster, Associate Professor, London School of Economics.From the Central Bank Digital Currencies Seminar(September 30 2021) Two Worlds Living Together: Crypto Currencies and Central Bank Digital Currencies By Jonas Hedman, Professor, Department of Digitalization, CBSFrom the Central Bank Digital Currencies Seminar(September 30 2021) CBDC: Reflections and perspectives from a small open economy By Morten Spange, Chief Monetary Policy Advisor, Danish Central Bank.From the Central Bank Digital Currencies Seminar(September 30 2021) Central Bank Digital Currency and Public-Private cooperation By Björn Segendorf, Senior Adviser, Swedish Central BankFrom the Central Bank Digital Currencies Seminar(September 30 2021) Cryptocurrency, Vice, and Money Laundering By Tom Kirchmaier, Professor, Center for Corporate Governance, CBS.From the Central Bank Digital Currencies Seminar(September 30 2021) What does MiCa mean for Crypto World in Eu By Alexandra Andhov, Associate Professor, Copenhagen University.From the Central Bank Digital Currencies Seminar(September 30 2021) 2020: Measuring Central Bank Communication in a Low-Interest Rate World By Lars Christensen – CEO of Markets & Money Advisory and Research Associate at CCG(November 20 2020) Webinar: Finansielle virksomheder og deres ledelseskompetencer – hvad er det rigtige valg? Presentations from the event by Lars Ohnemus, Ken L. Bechmann, Nina Smith, Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose, Tobias Thygesen(October 8 2020) Green and Sustainable Financial Sector Presentations from the event by Cecilia Repinski, Christian Hyldahl, David Orr, Lars Perhson(January 23 2020)