Learn about our previous events
Nordic Youth Investment Summit: Empowering Young Shareholders
A joint event between Nordic Finance and the Good Society and Danish Shareholders Association, Young Shareholders on key issues and opportunities in the world of finance, sustainability, and shareholder democracy.
(October 25 2024)
NCGN Workshop 2024
The Nordic Corporate Governance Network (NCGN) and Copenhagen Business School hosted the event. The 2-day workshop was a forum for academics from the Nordic countries to present and discuss ongoing corporate governance research.
(August 23-24, 2024)
What is the true cost of regulation- time for re-regulation?
Focus was on the link between financial regulation and the development of the Nordic financial sector
(March 20 2024)
Conference and launch of NFGS II Report
The Nordic Finance and The Good Society II report launches: Is there a sustainable future for the Nordic financial sector?
(October 31 2023)
Value of Financial Advice Conference
Keynote speakers from academia and the financial services industry shared their insights on the role of financial advice for financial decision making.
(August 30, 2023)
Pension Fund Governance and Stewardship Conference
Current Challenges and Opportunities in Pension Fund Governance and Stewardship
(June 1, 2023)
A Global Leader in Competitiveness
How did Denmark achieve it and how can this position be developed in the future?
(October 4, 2022)
The Intertwined Crisis of Capitalism and Democracy
An exciting seminar with Professor Anat R. Admati about ‘The Intertwined crisis of Capitalism and Democracy’
(September 30, 2022)
Workshop: Corporate Governance and Investment
The Center for Corporate Governance in collaboration wih the Nordic Finance and the Good Society Project.
(September 23-24, 2022)
Sustainable Finance and Green Washing
CCG is hosting an exciting event about sustainable finance and green washing.
(January 26, 2022)
Global Inflation: Is the US Heading for Double-Digit Inflation?
Lars Christensen explains why he believes that the US might be heading for double-digit inflation in 2021-22.
(June 3th 2021)
Konference om Aktionærdemokrati
I samarbejde med Dansk Aktionærforening, satte CCG fokus på vigtigheden af, at vi tager et fælles ansvar for at udvikle et sundt aktionærdemokrati.
(November 15, 2021)
Central Bank Digital Currencies Seminar
The Digitalization of Money is a developing topic that people hope could have substantial positive effects on the economy. But what is the role of central banks in the future and can we trust in the financial system?
(September 30, 2021)
Impact Investing Days
Hosted virtually by Copenhagen Business School with financial support from NFGS.
(June 10, 2021)
Webinar: Digitale valutaer, kryptoaktiver og tilsyn
Finanstilsynets chef for Fintech, Betalingstjenester og Governance Tobias Thygesen fortæller om reguleringen af kryptoaktiver.
(April 15, 2021)
Webinar: Kryptovalutaer og pengeudstedelse i et historisk perspektiv
Lars Christensen stiller skarpt på digitale valutaer i et historisk perspektiv, og hvad digitale valutaer egentlig er.
(March 25, 2021)
Nu kommer inflationen
Webinar med Lars Christensen, om hvordan covid-19 har haft inflydelse på inflationen, og hvad vi kan forvente af fremtiden.
(May 25th 2021)
Kryptovalutaer og Digitale valutaer
Webinar på CPHBusiness om “Kryptovalutaer og Digitale valutaer” ved Lars Christensen.
(May 20th, 2021)
Post-Covid Recovery – Fast, but Inflationary
Lars Christensen presents his views on how the covid-crisis affects the global economy
(April 23th, 2021)
Kryptovalutaer og pengeudstedelse i et historisk perspektiv
Lars Christensen stiller skarpt på digitale valutaer i et historisk perspektiv, og hvad digitale valutaer egentlig er.
(Marts 25th, 2021)
Webinar: Hvornår får vi e-kroner? Fokus på digitale centralbankvalutaer
Med chefanalytiker i Danske Bank Jens Nærvig Pedersen og international økonom Lars Christensen.
(February 23 2021)
Members’ Business Meeting with the Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte
Virtual meeting with the Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrid Simonyte, with Lars Christensen as moderator.
(February 26th 2021)
Measuring Central Bank Communication in a Low-interest Rate World
By Lars Christensen – CEO of Markets & Money Advisory and Research Associate at CCG
(November 20 2020)
Recovery and Inflation Scenarios in the USA for 2021
Presentation by Lars Christensen
(November 18th 2020)
Public Lecture on Banking Consolidation
Public online-lecture on Banking Consolidation with Édouard Fernández-Bollo
(September 21 2020)
Hvordan påvirkes USA’s økonomi af valgresultatet?
Lars Christensen diskuterer den økonomiske situation i USA og hvordan denne påvirkes, når Biden bliver USA’s nye præsident.
(November 11th 2020)
Will the Covid-19 Crisis be Inflationary?
Webinar by Lars Christensen at ‘IIMR Money Webinar series
(July 29th 2020)
Er der behov for at etablere et nyt værdisæt for den finansielle sektor?
Nordic Finance and the Good Society
Why are Global Yields so Low?
Lecture by Lars Christensen at Stellenbosch University
(February 26th 2018)
Seminar: Why are Rates and Yields so Low?
Implications for monetary policy with Lars Christiansen
Financial Advice Seminar
Does Financial Advice create any value at all? And what are the consequences if there is no guidance
Brexit, EU Capital Markets, and the Future of the Euro
Nordic Finance and the Good Society seminar by Georg Ringe
Nordic Finance and the Good Society Seminar
The Foreign Relations Power of the Federal Reserve
CCG and Danish Shareholder Association Seminar
The Future of The Financial Sector – How to promote an equity culture in Denmark?
Nordic Finance & The Good Society Seminar
Contracting Out the Fiduciary Analysis of Corporate Opportunity Waivers